Team Ethiopia: Overflowing Joy

The following is an update from Team Ethiopia, a small group from Central Church in Memphis, TN, who will be serving as short-term missionaries at Onesimus Children Development Association in June 2011. We’ve invited our dear friends and ministry partners to post their trip updates and prayer requests here on the TFC blog. Enjoy…

2 Corinthians 8:2,

“Out of the most severe trial,

their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty,

welled up in generosity!”


I think this verse sums up everything that we have experienced and the hearts of the children!  Today was so encouraging and very affirming that what we are doing is making an impact! We all enjoyed so much of the kids’ love and affection through their contagious smiles and their heart melting hugs!

This morning we went to the drop in center and were welcomed by the wave of running children coming to us as we got out of the van. Imagine some of the most beautiful kids in the world reaching up towards you for a hug and a kiss. This is the image that captivates us and brings us so much joy!

Liz and Bree spoke today about David and radiated Christ’s light and love! You should have seen the kids when they spoke, they were looking so intent and really looked liked they grasped the story!! After the great story, the kids colored paddle balls, with God’s love written on them, and then were able to play and go crazy with them! Our whole teams enjoys the free play time because you can just love and encourage the kids!

It is neat to look around and see everyone using their God given talents with the children! Bree started most of the games and had some amazing ideas, Mr. McGoo comforting and making the kids feel safe, and Michelle’s momma love towards the children just brightened my day and filled me with so much joy! The children soaked it all in and showed it by their smiles that stretched ear to ear!


People say that we will change

and bless the children;

I believe that they do that for us!!


After a great morning we headed to lunch! We are all in need of a hardy meal! We enjoyed hamburgers, while we spoke to Nega and laughed like crazy! When we left from lunch we went to the halfway home! This was one of the most special moments of my life, and I wanted to put pause to it! It was so neat to hear their stories and then see how God has changed them through Onesiumus and the God following leaders and staff! We enjoyed playing games, singing, and having a magic show performed for us! The saddest part of the day was leaving and saying good bye! We were swarmed with hugs and images of the kids we will never forget!!

Even though yesterday was a very emotional and draining day, today we have been recharged and have gained so much love for the kids! We have laughed so hard and have bonded so much! I am so blessed with our team!  WE all have seen God work and move!

Keep on praying for open hearts in the children and that our hands will be opened to what the Lord has in store for us! It has been an amazing trip so far and can’t believe that we have three more days!


Thanks for your prayers and all the encouraging comments!

We really enjoy reading them over breakfast and dinner,  Brings a smile to all those here.

-Team Ethiopia
